DSC05344 Edit



Rotunda 1

Radio New Zealand, Standing Room Only with Lynn Freeman. Shona McCullagh discusses NZDC, the business of arts, creating an NCEA resource on Rotunda and touring to Australia. 22 February, 2015.

Rotunda 2

Radio New Zealand interview with Eva Radich on Upbeat, 26 March 2017. Co-curators Samantha Owens and Dr Michael Brown discuss the social history of Band Rotundas in New Zealand on the opening of their exhibition at the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, An Ornament to the Town.

Rotunda 3

Radio New Zealand, Arts on Sunday segment with Shona McCullagh, Don McGlashan and Colin Clark from North Shore Brass on the role of Brass Bands in society and the making of Rotunda. 18 August, 2013