Brydie Colquhoun
Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa
A freelance creator who is from Ngāti Kawa, Ngāpuhi. She grew up in Ahipara, ki reira tana ūkaipo. The moana feels like home and she was lucky to grow up in rural Aotearoa surrounded by the taiao.
She graduated from the New Zealand School of Dance in 2012 and has loved navigating a life of movement and creation amongst the dance community of Aotearoa.
Brydie is passionate about accessibility and inclusivity in dance, physically emotionally and spiritually. Some memorable performances are a huge mix of rural New Zealand towns, schools and prisons throughout Aotearoa and US highlights of Jacob’s Pillow and New York showcases. She believes that how you walk through daily life hugely impacts your hauora and she always strives to lead with kindness.
She was honoured to be added to the NZSD distinguished graduates board last year, a mihi to her contribution to dance. Over the past eleven years Brydie has worked with Black Grace dance company, Footnote New Zealand Dance company, The New Zealand Dance Company, Atamira and, Java and Movement of the Human.